5 Ways You Can Prevent Deep Vein Thrombosis
Many people now face the new reality of working from home for the foreseeable future. This means less time commuting and more time spent with loved ones, but it can have a detrimental effect on your health.
It means that the average person is spending a lot longer each day sitting down with longer periods of inactivity. This can lead to several health issues and complications such as deep vein thrombosis.
What is Deep Vein Thrombosis?
Deep vein thrombosis is a condition in which blood clots form in veins inside your body, usually the lower legs. If the blockages are left untreated, they can then move into the lungs and become a life-threatening illness that requires immediate medical intervention.
Watching out for early warning signs and taking preventative steps is key to stopping any serious side effects from occurring. In this article, we will explain five ways you can prevent deep vein thrombosis by making a few simple changes in your lifestyle. Read on to find out more.
1. Incorporate a Daily Walk into Your Lunch Break
By having a daily leisure activity that you undertake at lunchtimes, this gives your body a chance to move its muscles and get some exercise. Regular exercise, even just a brisk walk, will help to reduce your risk of developing deep vein thrombosis.
It can be a great opportunity to get away from your screen and ensure you are taking appropriate rest breaks from work. Studies have found that people working from home during lockdown actually did more work as opposed to a typical day in the office. This is on top of having more meetings and sending more emails than before.
This isn’t a sustainable or healthy way for your body to spend the working week. A sustained period of movement will help with preventing diseases from setting in that are brought on by extended periods of inactivity.
It can also be a good opportunity to carve out some time for yourself. You can listen to your favorite music or podcasts whilst getting some fresh air.
2. Improve Fitness
Improving your fitness by exercising more, taking up a regular sport, or joining a fitness class can greatly reduce the risk of developing deep vein thrombosis.
A risk factor of developing deep vein thrombosis is being overweight or having a high BMI. This can mean you are more likely to develop diseases such as this or be at risk for others.
Incorporating a diet with fresh fruit and vegetables and eliminating foods with saturated fat can be a good way to begin a way to lose weight. Sugary or high processed foods are also things to avoid as well as fizzy drinks and excessive amounts of alcohol.
Calories also play a big part in maintaining a healthy weight. An adult female should have around 2000 calories a day and an adult man should aim for 2500. Weight gain happens when you go beyond your recommended daily allowance and don’t burn it off through physical activity.
You can access healthy eating plans on a range of health websites if you struggle with planning healthy meals. Or you can even speak with a nutritionist or medical professional if you want a more personalized one.
It might also be a good idea to regularly attend an exercise class. Attending something weekly, or even biweekly, can really help your fitness.
If you aren’t keen on going to a physical class, check out the online classes or workouts you can do from home. There will be plenty of personal trainers in your area who will have made the transition from physical to online workouts.
Do some research and you can take a class of pilates, HIIT, or yoga from the comfort of your own home. It’s a great way to keep active without having to worry about coming into contact with anyone else.
3. Take Medication as Prescribed
If you have been suffering from deep vein thrombosis symptoms it is important that this isn’t something you ignore. Symptoms such as swelling in one or both legs, red or blue skin discoloration, or the feeling of a pulled muscle need to be checked out.
This might lead to you being diagnosed and having to take medication to prevent any further serious complications from happening. Medication such as Xarelto can significantly help with reducing the adverse effects of deep vein thrombosis and help you with leading a normal life.
It’s essential that you treat all symptoms, however minor, with the care and attention they deserve and speak with healthcare professionals about the options available. This is especially the case if you are on any other medication such as birth control which can increase your risk of blood clotting.
4. Drink Plenty of Water
It can be tempting to continue to caffeinate yourself throughout the day, but this can put unnecessary strain on your heart and body. It can actually end up adding to your stress levels and anxiety and leave you feeling dehydrated.
These are the kind of conditions your body will respond negatively towards, increasing your risks of developing deep vein thrombosis. Instead of caffeine heavy beverages swap out your hot drinks with either water or green tea.
This ensures your body is properly hydrated and in top condition for those long virtual meetings. Drinking seven to eight glasses of water a day is the recommended daily intake for adults wanting to keep healthy.
5. Wear Loose Clothing
Loose clothing is also recommended for those wishing to reduce their risk of deep vein thrombosis.
This is because tight-fitting clothing can cut off the circulation to certain body parts and contribute to causing blood clots. Invest in some comfortable and loose-fitting work attire that is easy to slip off at the end of the day.
Deep Vein Thrombosis: Where Can I Find Out More?
We hope this article on the five ways to prevent deep vein thrombosis has been informative and helpful.
Maintaining an active lifestyle and taking regular breaks away from your screen is so essential when trying to work from home. It’s important not to neglect your own needs and requirements when adjusting to a new style of living.
If you have any further questions about any of our products or how to save money on your medication, contact us directly!